Cool mashup of old media, cutting-edge tech
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at 7:04 PM
Logan Molen

AdAge reported today that some copies of the Sept. 18 PRINT edition of Entertainment Weekly magazine will contain a VIDEO PLAYER that will play an ad for CBS’s fall TV schedule. Pepsi is sharing in the sponsorship.

Super thin video player opens up new ad opportunitiesThe video player is so thin that it can be easily affixed to magazine copies that’ll be distributed only to subscribers in LA and New York (by focusing on prepaid customers those key markets, they can keep the technical costs down).

On one hand, the thought of literally forcing multimedia into a print product strikes me as bass ackward. But given the targeted audience and related buzz, CBS will no doubt get good bang for the buck.

Given the scarce distribution, I’ll bet copies of this issue will fetch a decent price on eBay.

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