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Videogame build plots modern-day NASCAR on Hanford Motor Speedway 

Fans of the NASCAR Racing 2003 Season computer game have had the chance to download a “fictional modernized build” of Hanford Motor Speedway, and drive 2003 Model NASCAR Cup cars around the 1.375-mile tri-oval. 

The build was created by @gone-sovereign, self-described as a “​​Trans woman. Aspiring graphic designer, digital artist and musician. Avid motorsports fanatic. Otherwise just your average emo/punk rock bitch.” 

The video here is of Version 2 made available in October 2003. A subsequent Version 3 has undergone 16 revisions, the most recent in December 2024. 

@gone-sovereign's rendering of Hanford Motor SpeedwayThis build is only the second known video or computer game featuring Marchbanks and/or Hanford Motor Speedway. An Xbox game titled Indianapolis 500 Evolution released in 2009 included Hanford Motor Speedway among its track options. 

In adding a Hanford build to the NASCAR Racing 2003 Season options, @gone-sovereign wrote, “I assembled this build based on photo and video reference, Google Earth, and this track's appearance in Indianapolis 500: Evolution for the XBOX 360, which I own a physical copy of, and is in fact how I came to know about this track's existence! My goal in doing this was simply to try and preserve this track's memory in whatever little ways I could.” 

@gone-sovereign nicely credited me for research that went into her build, writing, “This track is a 1.375-mile tri-oval (though it was billed as 1.4 miles in the 60's). Turn 1 is progressively banked from 17 to 22 degrees, with Turns 2 and 3 being banked 8 and 12 degrees, respectively. There's also an infield lake that was used for drag boats, which I had scaled down slightly. If anyone wishes to make a period-accurate version of this track, I would endorse it, but be aware that this layout is roughly accurate to the tri-oval configuration that existed prior to 1967, after which point the first turn had been reconfigured and the track was widened to 90 feet.” 

Well done, @gone-sovereign!

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