Gaslight Anthem live
Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 9:25 PM
The more I listen to The Gaslight Anthem the more I'm kinda bothered by the strong Springsteeny vocals. They're from Jersey so you wonder whether it's forced ... but the band delivers a consistently humable form of light punk.
When I want to listen to punk I dive in fully focused, but there are occasions (like at the gym) where I just need a half-step toward something that's a bit polished, not too deep, half out of sight, half out of mind.
Enter Gaslight Anthem. Kinda there, kinda not. Just when you think a hook is going to stick, whoosh, there it goes.
With that in mind, here's an hourlong show from "The Late Show With David Letterman" that's perfect for multitasking.