F1 Rejects delivers hilarious spin on often-pompous sport
Formula 1 is a circus unto itself, full of snobs and imagined drama even as it delivers the most-spectacular motorsports technology and highest-paid teams and drivers. So it's fitting that my favorite audio coverage of the sport comes from the two brilliant fans behind F1Rejects.com.
F1 Rejects is an Australian website devoted to the lesser-qualified but well-financed drivers and sorry teams who have peppered the series for years (who can forget Perry McCarthy, Jean-Marc Gounon and Andrea Moda?).
Other Formula 1 podcasts -- and there are at least a half-dozen professionally produced offerings -- range from the high brow (see Motorsport) to the bloated (Formula1Blog) to the periodically engaging (The Flying Lap). But none come close to the work of two Aussies named Jamie McGregor and Enoch Law (who, oddly,