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In age of drive-bys, sage advice worth reading

Amid the sea of non-stop, quick-hit media criticism, I’ve always enjoyed Bob Wyman’s insights. Bob is a “member of the technical staff at Google” who is always thoughtful in his observations, most of which I’ve read over the years on the Online-News listserv.

Most recently, Bob’s insights are in a loooooooong two-part post titled “Five Key Reasons Why Newspapers are Failing … and Why They Don’t Get Talked About Much.” It’s loooooong and I don’t agree with everything in it, but it’s well worth the read.

I can’t do it justice with a summary, nor would that benefit anyone. But if you’re in the print-journalism business, I strongly encourage you to read it. Unless you’re a genius who has it all figured out, by the time you’re finished you should have a to-do list full of worthy challenges.

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