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Entries in earthquakes (1)


Recalling the massive quakes that changed the face of Bakersfield

Here's a nice bit of video storytelling from The Californian's Louis Amestoy that's part of a two-day Californian series marking the 60th anniversary of the massive earthquakes that forever changed Bakersfield and Tehachapi. 

I'm sharing the video here to highlight some of the increasing video we're doing, but recommend you read Day 1 of reporter Steven Mayer's series

I've always thought Bakersfield had a cool downtown before the quakes hit in 1952. Sadly, the interesting architecture damaged in the quake was replaced by visual blight, saddling the city with a lack of character at its core.

The city's downtown is undergoing a nice transformation as nice restaurants, galleries and botiques spread downtown but watching this video makes you wonder what coulda been.