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Entries in Identity theft (1)


Royal stupidity

Despite rampant identity theft around us, I continue to be surprised by the incredible ignorance of people who remain completely clueless about how they all but hand their money to criminals.  

Case in point: I was dropping off some recycling at Cal State Bakersfield the other day. While sliding pieces of cardboard into the large dumpsters, my eyes caught a folder titled “Income Tax Return” within easy reach just inside the bin. I picked it up, thinking, “No, this can’t be.”

But sure enough, it was someone’s 2008 tax return from H&R Block, complete with all kinds of forms and information detailing a slice of this woman’s life. And, as you might expect, these forms are filled with names, address, Social Security numbers, income totals, DMV information, medical records, at least one PIN number, signatures perfect for forgery practice, and who knows what else. I got all that thumbing through the document for 30 seconds.

I disposed of the tax return to ensure someone less ethical found it, but sometimes I feel like people this stupid deserve whatever turmoil comes their way. I appreciate people want to recycle instead of trashing documents, but be smart and buy a small paper shredder and dispose of your private information in a safe way. It’s a small expense that can save you a fortune down the road.

Let’s hope the woman who lives in 93311 with a Social Security number ending in 1100 figures this out before her 2009 return ends up in the same place. And for those people who think this post will give criminals ideas, think again: They already know.