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Livestreaming vacation video

I'll be using this space to drop a variety of live videocasts from my Android phone while on vacation in Mammoth. It'll be a tether to family staying in the relative warmth of Bakersfield. I'm thinking it might be fun to send something -- signals and weather permitting -- from the top of the mountain at 8,000 feet. If I can be sure I can get a signal, I may even schedule a time for a live vidcast.

I'll be using a tool called Qik that makes it real easy to broadcast live from a phone. I'm still getting my arms around Qik but as far as I can tell, they still haven't introduced the concept of "channels," which would allow me to categorize videos. So, instead of being able to have a individual players for say, "My Activities" or "Work", it'll be one big data dump through this player for the short term. Bear with me.


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