Our rafting trip makes TV news

I took Allie and Hanna whitewater rafting on the Kern River today and, voila, the TV news came along.
A reporter from KGET, Channel 17, was doing a story on river safety and rode along with our Sierra South two-raft group. The reporter, using a waterproof videocamera, spent some time in one raft to get exterior shots of our boat, then jumped into ours to get an up-close look at the crazy fun.
There are a few shots of Allie and Hanna, and one goofy up-the-nostrils shot of me paddling with about 1:10 left. While in our raft, the reporter was sitting at the front facing aft so she blindly experienced some nasty rapids and waves crashing into her back.
No one fell out of the boat involuntarily but there were several occasions on these Class 2 and 3 rapids when we came close.